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AgricultureThe New Farm: presents compelling success stories with expert resources for crop and livestock production, direct marketing, local food systems, policy campaigns and community-building collaborations
Attorney GeneralAmerican Civil Liberties Union of Texas
Found: a magazine about the stuff people FIND, just laying around
CommerceOpen Media Commons: Develop open, royalty-free digital rights management and codec solutions; promote the creation, duplication and distribution of digital content and assure that creators and owners get compensated an allied organization of the Republican Party; patterned after civic clubs, this offer programs centered around politics and government
EducationTake Our Word For It: the weekly word-origin webzine
EnergyThe Women's Chorus of Dallas: Premier Women's Choral Music Organization
Health and Human ServicesGlycemic Research Institute (GRI): Glycemic Index Testing
The Globetrotters Club: The Travel Club For Travellers - share travelogues, travel information, experiences, hospitality and friendship
Homeland SecurityHazard Analysis and Critical Control Point: all about food safety
Pacific Tsunami Warning Center
Housing and Urban DevelopmentJewish Federation of Greater Dallas
InteriorCity of Fort Worth, Texas
Old City Park: Living History Museum of Dallas & North Central TX
LaborJSF's Burger Chef tribute
Lost Indiana: Burger Chef
StateMASTOR : IBM Speech-to-Speech Translation: Multilingual Automatic Speech-to-Speech Translator
TransportationPetersen Automotive Museum: recognized internationally for its innovative design, is dedicated to the interpretive study of the automobile and its influence on our culture and lives
Professional Bull Riders
TreasuryRover Dramawerks: theatre "off the beaten path"
Spam Stock Tracker: tracking how much money people can lose with penny stocks from spam
Veterans AffairsStetson Hats: Legendary Hats Since 1865
AgricultureFineScale Modeler: "the world's leading magazine devoted to the hobby of scale modeling"
The Future of Food (movie) : examines the complex web of market and political forces that are changing what we eat
Attorney one of John Aravosis' websites, challenging the anti-gay community
Ig Nobel Ceremony 2005 Details
TEXAS Credit Card Truncation: the ability of a Credit Card Machine to remove all but the last 4 or 5 digits of a Credit Card number and the expiration date from the sales receipt
CommerceThe Emily Bag: created in January 2005
Emily the Strange Clothing
OpenBrick: a small, light and silent open platform optimized for Open Source / Free Software solutions
DefenseFreedom From Religion Foundation
EducationBoy Scouts of America - Discrimination
Population Connection: formerly Zero Population Growth
The Population Institute: increasing awareness of the consequences of rapid population growth
EnergyStop Global Warming: Virtual March on Washington (note the comments about CO2 injection)
PD Johnsons: a somewhat unusual deli in the Dallas "gayborhood"
Health and Human ServicesAgent Orange: not to be confused with Agent Green, or Agent Pink, or ...
Laryngoscope: "the leading source of information on advances in the diagnosis and treatment of head and neck disorders for more than 100 years"
Homeland Security43 Things : "thinks a list of 43 goals is the right number of things for a busy person to try and do"
FEMA Information: is an informational site run by the victims, for the victims, of catastrophes. It is not affiliated in any way with any government agency. This site is intended to help victims receive the compensation they are entitled to and justice in the event they are mistreated.
Housing and Urban DevelopmentHome Improvisation
InteriorProject Censored Media Democracy in Action: the 25 most important news stories NOT covered by the corporate media
Greater Dallas Restaurant Association
LaborAims Academy: teach Hospitality Industry courses, one of the top ten Texas schools for Certification training
StateLambda Pages: GLBT-friendly businesses in Dallas
Old Oak Cliff Conservation League: an umbrella organization for 23 neighborhood associations
(late Minnesota senator Paul) Wellstone Action
TransportationTejas Chapter: one of Texas' three chapters of the BMW Car Club of America
Texas SCCA: the Texas Region of the Sports Car Club of America
TreasuryThe Religious Society of Friends: d/b/a The Quakers
Veterans AffairsTurtle Creek Chorale: entertain, educate, unite and uplift our audiences and members through music that is distinguished for its innovation, diversity and artistic excellence
AgricultureNational Cowgirl Museum and Hall of Fame: in (surprise, surprise) Fort Worth, Texas
Farm Home Collection: Successful Farming Store
Half Century of Progress: vintage farm machinery of the 1950's and 1960's
Texas Country Reporter: Bob Phillips' TV show
Willie Nelson General Store & Museum: founded 4 July 1979 at 915 North Gallatin Road in Madison, Tennessee
Attorney GeneralAdministratium : New chemical Element Discovered
CommerceCharitable Foundation Texas: serving Dallas-Fort Worth & north Texas
Church of Free Thought: offering atheists and unbelievers all the social, emotional and inspirational benefits of traditional faith-based religions, but without the superstition shoot first, ask questions never!
The Professional Security Training Network: offers a comprehensive video training service designed exclusively to help security management meet the growing challenges facing the security industry
EducationBookCrossing: releasing books "into the wild" and following their progress and travels is infinitely more fulfilling than the small satisfaction you'll get by looking at your books in your bookcase every day
Texas Education Vacation: discover how you can travel in Texas and learn at every turn
Energydinofish: pre-dating the dinosaurs by millions of years, and thought to have gone extinct with them (65 million years ago), the Coelacanth was discovered in 1938
Health and Human ServicesHospital Compare: help you compare the quality of care hospitals provide
Yoga Journal: The Voice of Yoga Online. The trusted source for yoga poses, teachers, places, and ideas.
Homeland SecurityHollywood Santa Monica (Texas) Neighborhood Association
Weapons of Mass Deception
Housing and Urban DevelopmentGreater Dallas Youth Orchestras: founded in 1972, it has grown to include four preparatory orchestras
InteriorManjari Sankurathri Memorial Foundation: a registered Canadian charitable organization, is aiming to promote rural community development in India, through education and vocational training, health care and emergency relief
LaborEmployment Guide: offers job seekers the opportunity to seek part time jobs or search for work-at-home business opportunities
Internship databases:College Grad: "the #1 Internet job search service for college students and recent grads"
Environmental Careers Organization: "the country's leading environmental careers development organization"
Get an Internship: says that 85%+ of all paid internships are unadvertised
Intern Jobs: recruitment network that provides career resources and employment opportunities to high school and college students, resort and hospitality staff, expatriates and international job seekers, part-time workers, and adventure seekers
Internships-USA: "the largest internship site on the web with more than 3,000 organizations offering internships for college and law students"
The Washington Center for Internships and Academic Seminars (TWC): "is a vital nonprofit organization serving hundreds of colleges and universities in the USA and other countries by providing selected students challenging opportunities to work and learn in Washington, D.C."
Fortune recently called Vault : "the best place on the Web to prepare for a job search."
Wet Feet: a recruitment solutions provider that helps leading corporations to more effectively attract, screen, hire and retain the right people
June Langhoff's Telecommuting Resource Center: promotes telecommuting and other remote workstyles
Texas Prison Museum: offers an intriguing glimpse into the lives of the state's least-loved citizens
StateGerman Green Party (you may need babelfish's help)
Hong Kong Market Place: two of the largest Asian grocery stores in the D/FW metropolitan area
Us Alone: the People's Email Network gives you an avenue to more effectively communicate with your legislative representatives
Mama's Daughters' Diner: 47+ years experience making our own pies, cornbread, rolls and good Ole Home Cookin
Little Havana: Cuban restaurant and bar, next to the Granada Theatre on Greenville Avenue
Rediscover Texas: sweepstakes for the Texas Travel Industry Association
Stonewall Democrats of Dallas: politically active individuals working for the gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgendered community
Texas Vacation Fun
Visit Dallas-Fort Worth
TransportationStockyards Station: depot for the Tarantula Steam Train (the only operational steam train in Texas) and home of the Fort Worth Herd™
TreasuryAstronomy Picture of the Day
MediaChannel: a global network of more than 1,000 media issues groups
Veterans AffairsDallas' Vietnamese Community