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AgricultureHorny closely aligned with Conan O'Brien
Soy Milk Maker: guaranteed to turn you gay!
Attorney GeneralHoliday Party Excuse Generator: by Enlighten
Short Imagined Monologues: by Timothy McSweeney
CommerceIllumio: Search for Expertise
Patent Search: courtesy of - who else? - Google
DefenseMistle Tunes: "allow those who believe in a rock 'n roll Christmas to celebrate the season their way -- from a musical standpoint, at least"
EducationBook "your source for African-American children's books"
UPC Database: when you just gotta lookup a barcode
Western Kentucky University: A Century of Spirit
EnergyReggae Reviews: reviews of Reggae albums, books, videos, and more (including reggae ringtones!)
Health and Human ServicesAdultitis: Awareness, Diagnosis and Treatment a/k/a the Southwest Transplant Alliance
Schott's Almanac: "a social barometer of genuine historical value"
Whole-body transplant: courtesy of Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Homeland SecurityCarl Sagan / The Nuclear Winter
VIM editor ("vi IMproved"): for Windows; Mac OS; Unix; others
Housing and Urban DevelopmentJewish High Tech Community: Silicon Valley, California
Song Lyric Interpretations and Meanings: "There are thousands of web sites out there that feature fans' interpretations of their favorite songs or favorite artists. But, we haven't been able to find a single site that provides a central location for these interpretations. We believe that what a song means to the individual fan is important, and that's why we've created Lyrical Interpretations."
InteriorBar Camp: coming to Dallas in late January 2007
LaborTurquoise Pony Catalog: Native American Indian jewelry, culture and artwork
StateTop Up TV Anytime (not to be confused with Sky+): the British equivalent to TiVo?
TransportationPersonal Blimp
TreasuryClaim Your Phone Excise Tax Refund
Veterans AffairsConcurring Opinions when you just gotta babble
Google Press Center: Zeitgeist
AgricultureWelcome to Hunger 101: Hungertown, Texas
Attorney GeneralSani-Seat: Hygienic Toilet Seats, Toilet Seat Covers, Sanitary Toilet Seats, Toilet Seats
CommerceWookieepedia: the Star Wars Wiki
DefenseRed Orbit: space, science, health, and technology enthusiasts - "a bit more intellectually oriented than most"
EducationLibraryThing: catalog your books online
LibraryThing UnSuggester: Don't read THIS
EnergyPhotobucket: Free Image and Video Hosting
Health and Human ServicesAirport Food Review Finds Increase in Healthful Options
Homeland SecurityAssociation for the Sociology of Religion
Housing and Urban DevelopmentAbeBooks: : New & Used Books, Textbooks, Rare & Out of Print Books. "Help people find and buy any book from any bookseller anywhere"
InteriorThe Future of Newspapers
LaborThe Edge Foundation: "promote inquiry into and discussion of intellectual, philosophical, artistic, and literary issues, as well as to work for the intellectual and social achievement of society"
StateFlickr: Explore!
TransportationGreat North Eastern Railway: GNER - train to London, York, Leeds, Newcastle, Edinburgh, Glasgow
TreasuryGoogle Holiday Logos
Veterans AffairsNational Native American Veterans Association
AgricultureGeostationary Satellite Server
Attorney GeneralBelacqua Jones (as written by Case Wagenvoord): "Karl Rove on meth"
CommerceDelicious Library: "catalog, browse, and share all your books, movies, music, and video games" (for a price)
DefenseFree Patents Online: "provides fast, free patent searching"
EducationWorld Wide Words: Michael Quinion muses about "international English" "covers high speed chips and operating systems"
Health and Human ServicesDolphin watercraft: a fully submersible watercraft that is designed to mimic the look and abilities of the dolphin
Homeland SecurityGovernors Highway Safety Association: after all, who (but governors) comes to mind when you think "safety"?
Housing and Urban purportedly "the first true visual search engine" (although it strikes me as a thinly-disguised shopping site)
Interior15 Eskimo Words for 'snow'
LaborHearth, Patio & Barbecue Association
StateDemocracy Now!: radio and TV news
TransportationTexas Teen Drivers Guide: getting your license, driving schools, requirements & more
TreasuryWoot!: "focuses on selling cool stuff cheap"
Veterans "will launch a new product each night of the week at midnight Eastern time"
AgricultureInternational Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements: a/k/a IFOAM
Attorney GeneralFirst Freedom First: "petition safeguarding separation of church and state "
CommerceThreadless T-Shirts: Designer Clothing Submissions - Tees, Tshirts and T shirts!
T.S. Designs: Providing Apparel Solutions through Innovation and Sustainability
DefenseSelective Service System
EducationUS ISBN Agency: ISBN Assignments, SAN, Bookland EAN Bar Code Symbols, Technical Information and Advice
EnergyDownwinders At Risk: if you live in Dallas, practice holding your breath
Health and Human ServicesThe Human Marvels
Homeland SecurityJunkBusters: "helps people get rid of junk messages of all kinds: spam, telemarketing calls, unwanted junk mail, junk faxes, and more"
Housing and Urban DevelopmentNuFone: VoIP Solutions supporting SIP and IAX - Powered by Asterisk
InteriorPhotoStamps®: put your mug on a stamp
LaborThe Daily WTF: "curious perversions in Information Technology"
StateCurrent Airport Delays
TransportationSeat Guru: which seats recline, which have the best chance for being near a crying baby, etc.
TreasuryMicrosoft "Innovation"
Veterans AffairsFolderShare : sync files, sync folders, transfer files, share files, web download, access files anywhere
AgricultureOpenFPGA: further the use of Field Programmable Gate Arrays
Attorney GeneralThe Patriot Project: "will defend any man or woman, regardless of party or affiliation, who is attacked or defamed and whose patriotism is questioned simply because they exercise their rights as Americans"
CommerceGeek 24 : Gadgets, Technology and Geek | Gadgets, Geek Gadgets, Geek Wear, Technology and Gadgets Geek
DefenseU.S. Department of Defense Press Resources
EducationMemory Alpha: a collaborative project to create the most definitive, accurate, and accessible encyclopedia and reference for everything related to Star Trek
EnergyNuclear Threat Initiative: working to reduce the global threats from nuclear, biological and chemical weapons
Health and Human ServicesTrigeminal Neuralgia Association (TNA) Support
Homeland SecurityCIA - The World Factbook
Housing and Urban DevelopmentTul pens graphological initiative for pole poll junkies
LaborHow Many of Me: no fair using "Gene Bob"
StateCEATEC JAPAN 2006 - Event Information: "is the largest international exhibition in Asia for the technology and electronics sectors, including the fields of imaging, information, and communications"
TransportationTed Airlines: Time flies, when you fly Ted.
World Airport Codes: the place to find airport codes, abbreviations, runway lengths and other airport information.
TreasuryDSCA -- Foreign Military Financing
Veterans AffairsTransitive: Break the Hardware | Software Dependency
AgricultureGo Texan: agricultural products from the Lone Star State
Wildseed Farms: Wildflowers, wildflower seed, native wildflowers
Attorney GeneralForeign Exchange with Fareed Zakaria: a weekly, half-hour international affairs series, hosted by noted author, journalist and international commentator, Fareed Zakaria
CommerceTurffalo: The Turfgrass of the Future!
DefenseTi-Dragon: "a mobile emergency service and training company, specializing in water and mountain rescue"
EducationGreen Wifi: the Solar Wi-Fi Grid Project
EnergyAji-Ichiban: snacks in Richardson TX
Health and Human ServicesHalfbakery: Brain-O™ Brain Cleaner
Homeland SecurityThe Doe Network: a volunteer organization devoted to assisting law enforcement in solving cold cases
Housing and Urban DevelopmentTaco Del Mar: what, no Chicken of the Sea™?
InteriorBug-Free Backyards: "It's Not Just For Mosquitoes!"
LaborWolfgang's Vault: Vintage T-Shirts, Rock Posters, Concert T-Shirts, Concert Posters, Rock T-Shirts, Concert Shirt, Music Memorabilia, Concert Tees
StateBlack Writers Reunion & Conference 2006
TransportationDurango & Silverton Narrow Gauge Railroad: in Durango, Colorado
TreasuryCommonwealth Club: founded in 1903, the nation's oldest and largest public affairs forum
Veterans AffairsNoah takes a photo of himself everyday for 6 years
AgricultureUGLI® tangelos: a face only a mother could love
Attorney GeneralMoscow-Pullman Daily News: Idaho, of course
CommerceCall2Recycle: help you recycle your used portable rechargeable batteries and old cell phones
DefenseEast Lake Pet Orphanage (ELPO): not to be confused with ALPO easy-to-use college planning tools for parents and counselors opposition to the National Animal Identification System
Health and Human ServicesAmerican Association of Naturopathic Physicians
Homeland SecurityKnox-Box™: rapid entry system for fire departments, emergency personnel
Housing and Urban DevelopmentThe Center for Consumer Freedom: is a nonprofit coalition of restaurants, food companies, and consumers working together to promote personal responsibility and protect consumer choices
InteriorEcoIQ Magazine: dormant since 2002?
LaborFarmersville, TX: home of the Dollar General Store
StateSupra iBox: Key Storage Lock Box, used by real estate agents worldwide
TransportationBritish Airports Authority: when did Brits get The Plane? compare mortgage rates, home loans, CD rates, auto loans, credit cards, mortgages and more
Veterans Affairspopabrella: fits all 35mm Digital & Video Cameras with Tripod Screw Socket, or mounts directly to tripod
AgricultureCentral Vermont Public Service - Cow Power™: providing renewable energy one cow at a time
Egg Fusion: Promoting Freshness with Every Impression
Heritage Snacks & Beverage Co: "Black Pepper Cashew Nuts"
Attorney GeneralGenie Lift: not recommended for lifting real genies
CommerceSkinIt: wrap your whatsit in whatever
Zazzle: Buy, Sell, and Create custom t-shirts, custom mugs, posters, prints, cards, and postage
DefenseGangs OR Us - Robert Walker - Gang identification expert: "provide law enforcement and corrections personnel, parents, teachers, and concerned citizens, the assistance and knowledge necessary to determine if street or prison gangs are in your community or corrections facility."
EducationHidamari & Hanauta No Tami: Japanese for "oh! they're so cuuute!!
EnergyEnergy Justice Network: Tire-Derived Fuel
Health and Human ServicesThe Huffington Post Contagious Festival
Homeland SecurityGordian Knot: thanks, Wikipedia
Housing and Urban DevelopmentInternational Card Manufacturers Association: it's all about plastic
InteriorDog Diaper
LaborWizard of Oz - character FAQ
StateCanada Free Press: just to show that Canada has Right Wing Nutjobs, too!
TransportationAtlantic Intracoastal Waterway(AIWW) : determined to save and protect the things that parallels the Atlantic ocean
TreasurycomScore Networks: tells you what's popular, since you're no judge of that
Veterans AffairsCasket Novelties: conversation pieces, so to speak
Pet Urns: from MHP Pet Urns and Caskets
AgriculturePink's Hot Dogs: Home of the World's Best Chili Dog
Attorney GeneralBrennan Center for Justice: "develop and implement an innovative, nonpartisan agenda of scholarship, public education, and legal action that promotes equality and human dignity, while safeguarding fundamental freedoms"
CommerceBim Bam Banana: "has the gift you didn't know existed for the man that has everything. In this genre both wireless fart machines and mini closed circuit TVs belong."
DefenseJews On First : the Jewish Response to attacks on the First Amendment
EducationLessons in Terror: Attacks on Education in Afghanistan
EnergyElectric Power Annual: Net Generation by Energy Source by Type of Producer
Health and Human ServicesMigrant Education Program
Homeland Securitythe spark magazine: a free quarterly magazine about positive change for the West of England especially the Bristol, Bath, Stroud, Taunton and Glastonbury area.
Housing and Urban DevelopmentDallas Peeps
InteriorWorld 66: offers travel information on over 20,000 destinations. Almost 80,000 articles written and updated by travelers like you!
LaborCanada Info: our next source of cheap labor, after Mexico runs out
StateJapan America Society of Dallas-Fort Worth
TransportationEurostar: getting across the Chunnel
TreasuryShambhala Mountain Center: Experience Mindfulness - Tibetan Buddhism, meditation & yoga courses, daily meditation techniques
Veterans AffairsSix Nations Rugby
AgricultureThe Real Dirt on Farmer John
Attorney Inventions and Ideas from Science Fiction Books and Movies
Commercedojo, the Javascript Toolkit: brought to you by the Dojo Foundation
iLoad: feed your iPod without a computer
SlingBox: sling low, sleet chariot ...
Unisen Electronic Article Surveillance: hard tags, labels, ink tags, and systems compatible with Sensormatic UltraMax and Checkpoint
DefenseSkySeer: short-range reconnaissance and monitoring operations, by Octatron
Teleflip: Text Message any phone - USA only
EducationNational Forensic League: promoting the art of speech and debate
MetaGeek Wi-Spy 2.4 GHz Spectrum Analyzer
EnergyThe Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy: BBC Online - Cult
Health and Human ServicesAutism Speaks
The Good Drugs Guide
Homeland SecurityUS Customs and Border Protection
Housing and Urban DevelopmentCITY|SPACE :: landscape : art : design
InteriorCenter for Heritage Tourism: in Louisville, Kentucky
LaborScientific American: science news, science and technology coverage, science trivia, experts, books and more
StateBritish Isles: gotta love Venn diagrams
GeoCaching: The Official Global GPS Cache Hunt Site
TransportationSecular Web Kiosk and Bookstore (including The Real Ten Commandments)
TreasuryThe Great Internet Swindle™: Gift Certificates and Gifts
Veterans AffairsParents Television Council: Because Our Children Are Watching
AgricultureAmerican Peanut Council a handy wallet guide to pesticides in produce
National Tractor Parts Dealer Association: Your Source for Tractor and Combine Parts Dealers
The Peanut Institute: non-profit researching legume nutrition
Attorney GeneralDräger Alcotest 7410 Plus: when you're ready for your own breathalyzer
State of the Religious Right 2006
CommerceThe Big Buy: Tom DeLay's Stolen Congress (documentary)
BillMonk: for borrowing between friends
Clone Computer: a private, women owned business and the oldest computer maker in the Metroplex
DefenseApocalypse, Not: peak oil, the end of the world
Society Bakery: where "society folk" go for baked goods in Dallas
EducationThe Book of Mozilla
Merriam-Webster's Open Dictionary
EnergyLeague of Women Voters of Dallas
Health and Human ServicesOrganic Classics: formerly Fairfield Farm Kitchens
Quat-Safe towels: when your Quat just isn't safe anymore
Radius Toothbrush: created by architects who were fascinated by the idea of a functional and enjoyable toothbrush
Rainbow Light: natural vitamins for men, women, seniors or children
Homeland SecurityRandom Baby Names: I never did find "Elmer Fudd"
Think Baby Names: meanings and origins of names
Thousands of given names of India including Hindu & Sanskrit: "for your dog, horse, cat, pet or child"
Trinity Foundation: providing food, shelter, and a sense of community to the poor and distressed of Dallas since 1976
WebCrumbz: refind links you never knew you'd need, to those you never knew
The Wittenburg Door: religious humor
Housing and Urban DevelopmentHelping Hands Handy Services: a service to help care for your home
InteriorEl Edwards: the voice behind AOL's "You've Got Mail!"
Email Scam Resource the official New York City website
LaborDFW International: promote and link North Texas ethnic and immigrant groups
StateCajun French Music Association's Hall of Fame: somewhur in Loozie-Anna, guaranteed
TransportationE85 Alternative Fuel - Ethanol
Ford Flex-Fuel Hybrid Research Vehicle
GM Flex-Fuel
National Ethanol Vehicle Coalition
Revenoor: still (you know - moonshine) kits used to produce alcohol fuel
WikiGreen: a wiki for sustainable living, intentional communities and Life Off The Grid
TreasuryExpressCard Technology: the wanna-be successor to PCMCIA
U3: transforms USB flash drives from simple storage devices into devices that makes Your Stuff more portable, personal, and protected
Veterans AffairsPlanet Boredom: entertain humans who are bored at work/school/home (or those who are no longer amused by TV Test Patterns)
AgricultureTectaGreen: when you'd like to mow your high-rise condo
Attorney GeneralAnarchist Action Network: to foster cooperation, mutual aid, compassion, understanding, sharing and community among those who want to destroy everything
Commerce"Yo Soy Boricua, Pa' Que Tu Lo Sepas": film about the (not always positive) political history between the United States and Puerto Rico
DefenseVibha: Dallas Action Center: ensure that every underprivileged child attains his or her right to education, health and opportunity
EducationOrganic Dynamics: an alternative to chemicals on your lawn
EnergyBear Naked: cereals to "Fuel Your Wild Life" (and I didn't even know that wildlife ate cereal)
Health and Human ServicesFemale Sterilization in Puerto Rico: by Sara Hoerlein
Homeland SecurityAcronym Attic: searching over 3 million acronyms, abbreviations, and initialisms
Housing and Urban DevelopmentHow to spot a meth lab
InteriorForcible Entry Tools: when you need to get inside your neighbor's house for that plasma TV
LaborYo Soy Boricua!: and you thought PR meant Public Relations
StateThe Organic Yard: the introduction of beneficial soil amendments, natural, organic fertilizers, and beneficial insects make for a bio-diverse environment
TransportationZero Odor Pet: not for use on the pets
TreasuryDon Markstein's Toonopedia: including The Frito Bandito
Veterans AffairsMarine Corps Cadence: I don't know but I've been told ...
NROTC Cadences