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AgricultureCentral Vermont Public Service - Cow Power™: providing renewable energy one cow at a time
Egg Fusion: Promoting Freshness with Every Impression
Heritage Snacks & Beverage Co: "Black Pepper Cashew Nuts"
Attorney GeneralGenie Lift: not recommended for lifting real genies
CommerceSkinIt: wrap your whatsit in whatever
Zazzle: Buy, Sell, and Create custom t-shirts, custom mugs, posters, prints, cards, and postage
DefenseGangs OR Us - Robert Walker - Gang identification expert: "provide law enforcement and corrections personnel, parents, teachers, and concerned citizens, the assistance and knowledge necessary to determine if street or prison gangs are in your community or corrections facility."
EducationHidamari & Hanauta No Tami: Japanese for "oh! they're so cuuute!!
EnergyEnergy Justice Network: Tire-Derived Fuel
Health and Human ServicesThe Huffington Post Contagious Festival
Homeland SecurityGordian Knot: thanks, Wikipedia
Housing and Urban DevelopmentInternational Card Manufacturers Association: it's all about plastic
InteriorDog Diaper
LaborWizard of Oz - character FAQ
StateCanada Free Press: just to show that Canada has Right Wing Nutjobs, too!
TransportationAtlantic Intracoastal Waterway(AIWW) : determined to save and protect the things that parallels the Atlantic ocean
TreasurycomScore Networks: tells you what's popular, since you're no judge of that
Veterans AffairsCasket Novelties: conversation pieces, so to speak
Pet Urns: from MHP Pet Urns and Caskets
AgriculturePink's Hot Dogs: Home of the World's Best Chili Dog
Attorney GeneralBrennan Center for Justice: "develop and implement an innovative, nonpartisan agenda of scholarship, public education, and legal action that promotes equality and human dignity, while safeguarding fundamental freedoms"
CommerceBim Bam Banana: "has the gift you didn't know existed for the man that has everything. In this genre both wireless fart machines and mini closed circuit TVs belong."
DefenseJews On First : the Jewish Response to attacks on the First Amendment
EducationLessons in Terror: Attacks on Education in Afghanistan
EnergyElectric Power Annual: Net Generation by Energy Source by Type of Producer
Health and Human ServicesMigrant Education Program
Homeland Securitythe spark magazine: a free quarterly magazine about positive change for the West of England especially the Bristol, Bath, Stroud, Taunton and Glastonbury area.
Housing and Urban DevelopmentDallas Peeps
InteriorWorld 66: offers travel information on over 20,000 destinations. Almost 80,000 articles written and updated by travelers like you!
LaborCanada Info: our next source of cheap labor, after Mexico runs out
StateJapan America Society of Dallas-Fort Worth
TransportationEurostar: getting across the Chunnel
TreasuryShambhala Mountain Center: Experience Mindfulness - Tibetan Buddhism, meditation & yoga courses, daily meditation techniques
Veterans AffairsSix Nations Rugby