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AgricultureNewer Spreader: "a handy, portable, lightweight manure spreader for your horse farm that can be pulled with a small garden tractor"
VibraVM: "is your horse suffering from COPD / RAO / heaves?"
Attorney GeneralThe Burning Man Project: August 25-September 1, 2008
CommerceHigh Noon Western Americana: "your connection to highly collectible Western fine art, Native American textiles, prized saddles & spurs, authentic Western antiques
DefenseMIL-SPEC Monkey
EducationIntoxilyzer®: infrared spectrometry alcohol detection technology
EnergyVidStone: "green alternative energy product providing a method for displaying sound and video outdoors in a self contained unit"
Health and Human ServicesFly Predators: beneficial insects to suppress the pest fly population so they're never a nuisance
Homeland SecurityTire Retread & Repair Information Bureau
Housing and Urban DevelopmentThe Network Around Me
What Does That Look Like: a/k/a The Computer Cable Guide
InteriorSnappy Salads: "make the highest quality meal our guests request as fast and efficiently as possible"
LaborFederal Motor Carrier Safety Administration
StateMexico maps: detailed state maps - each in 16 zoomable sections
TransportationFord GTX1: replacement for the legendary GT40?
QinetiQ (pronounced "kinetic"): "sustainable aviation - huh?"
Trikke (pronounced "trike"): "three-wheeled cambering vehicles are human powered machines ..."
Trikke Skki: "three point stance brings control, stability and fun on the ski slopes"
Vestas SailRocket: Outright World Speed Sailing Record Attempt
TreasuryCowgirl Chicks: "an equestrian drill team in scenic Weatherford, Texas"
Veterans AffairsDaytona Elevator: Residential Elevators - Home Elevators, Pneumatic Vacuum Elevators, Wheelchair Lifts, Stair Lifts and Dumbwaiters
AgriculturePollen Nation: a film by Singeli Agnew and Joshua Fisher
Attorney GeneralCamp Chef: "the way to cook outdoors"
CommerceKEOM 88.5: commercial radio by high schoolers
DefenseIntegrated Environmental Technologies: "today's waste, tomorrow's fuel"
EducationThinker Clothing: digitally printed T-shirts with innovative designs in Science; Technology; Engineering and Mathematics
EnergyMasdar, Abu Dhabi: "the first major hydrocarbon-producing nation to embrace renewable and sustainable energy technologies"
Health and Human ServicesDownwinders At Risk: "reducing toxic air pollution in north Texas"
Homeland SecurityCowboy Flavor: "entertaining and being entertained in the Western lifestyle on the ranches of the Pacific Slope, and the Spanish culture of Santa Barbara"
Housing and Urban DevelopmentGreenlist™: "helped SC Johnson continue to phase out certain raw materials, and use more materials considered to be environmentally better and best"
InteriorArbuckle Coffee: "the first coffee roaster to package whole bean coffee in sealed one pound packages
LaborTexas Honeybee Guild
StateCowboy Living: "if you are a cowboy at heart, live like one"
TransportationStone Horses: "limited edition model horse collectibles"
TreasuryBarr Brothers: "America's leading manufacturer of quality industrial hand tools
Veterans AffairsJ Parson: cowboy music
AgricultureThrifty Fun: "a gardening, arts & crafts and frugal living community
Attorney GeneralU.S. Election Assistance Commission
CommerceAmapedia: the encyclopedia
DefenseEverything's Cool: a documentary about America finally "getting" global warming
EducationVisual Dictionary Online: via Merriam-Webster
EnergyEarth Aid Kit: "accelerate the development and deployment of sensible home energy efficiency solutions"
Health and Human ServicesLifeStraw®: water purifiers developed by Vestergaard Frandsen as a practical way of preventing disease and saving lives
GreenDisk: "responsibly and securely dispose of all your computer-related waste, spent supplies and obsolete accessories"
Homeland SecurityPolly’s Pies: "13 locations in Los Angeles, Orange, and Riverside counties"
Housing and Urban DevelopmentRecycle recycling info for service providers, businesses and communities in scenic Kansas City, Missouri
InteriorHighWaterLine: visualizing climate change in New York City, by marking the 10-feet above sea level line with a blue chalk line
LaborCowboy Campfire Grills
StateMARC: the Mid-America Regional Council serves as the association of city and county governments and the metropolitan planning organization for the Kansas City Missouri/Kansas region"
TransportationFuelly: Share and Compare Your MPG
TreasuryExxonSecrets: a Greenpeace project highlighting the long campaign by Exxon-funded front groups - and the scientists they work with - to deny the urgency of the scientific consensus on global warming and delay action to fix the problem
Veterans AffairsTexas Republicans: "The True Story"
AgricultureThe Freecycle Network
Attorney GeneralThe Abraham Lincoln Association
Antenna Point: which way is the local TV station antenna?
CommerceBritish Emporium: the premier British grocer, tea merchant, and gift shop since 1992 in scenic Grapevine, Texas
Q. Cumbers restaurant: veggie in Minneapolis-St.Paul
DefenseThe Battle of Britain Memorial Flight
Confederation of British Industry
EducationAcronym Attic: "over 3 million definitions for acronyms and abbreviations"
Cherokee Tourism - Oklahoma: "promote the Cherokee people's cultural identity thereby nurturing respect, knowledge, and economic opportunities"
EnergyBroadStar™ Wind Systems
The Vulcan Project: "quantify North American .. CO2 emissions"
Health and Human ServicesCatfish Floyd's: alias Floyd Bean, providing fresh and delicious catfish for years and has been a staple at the Texas State Fair ...
Homeland SecurityAbsaroka Search Dogs: you don't know about our 51st state - Absaroka?
Housing and Urban DevelopmentFlower Mound Performing Arts Theatre: celebrating it's 17th year of entertaining the community
Haley-Henman: a modern art gallery in scenic Fort Worth, Texas
National Council of Negro Women
InteriorKazeon Systems: "Information Access Platform for eDiscovery, Information Security, Compliance and Storage Consolidation"
LaborNu Horizons Electronics
StateNevada Test Site Historical Foundation: "preserve and foster public accessibility to the history associated with the USA's nuclear weapons testing program"
Texas Citizens for Science: an obviously-communist organization
TransportationCritical Mass bike rides: held the last Friday of every month in cities around the world
Donut Derelicts: every Saturday morning in scenic Huntington Beach, California
Drive 55: an obviously-communist organization
Monterey Historic Automobile Races
Texas Soaring Association: the other TSA?
Vauxhall: not to be confused with the legendary automaker Opel
Wally Byam Caravan Club: when you just gotta RV
TreasuryOde Magazine: "a print and online publication about positive news, about the people and ideas that are changing our world for the better"
Veterans AffairsCuil: this week's "Google Killer"
Dallas Historic Tree Coalition: an obviously-communist organization
North Texas History Center: in scenic McKinney, Texas
AgricultureAnimal Acres: a Los Angeles farm-animal sanctuary and compassionate living center
CalorieLab: search 70,000 foods and 500 restaurant menus, or browse the food and restaurant directory
Eat Well Guide: not to be confused with "eat in a well"
Attorney GeneralAmerican Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research: neocon think tank
CommerceRainforest Alliance Certified: great-tasting sustainably grown tropical products from all around the world
Wiseman House Chocolates: in scenic Hico (Hamilton County), Texas
DefenseLoopt: "transforms your mobile phone into a social compass"
EducationNational Book Foundation: celebrating the annual National Book Award, given to writers by writers
Tarleton State University: in scenic Stephenville, Texas
EnergyNeuton: battery-powered lawnmowers
Health and Human ServicesFood Compliance: "news, information, services and regulations"
Homeland SecurityPro-Vigil: remote surveillance and enhanced-surveillance software
Rover Dramawerks: founded by women, supporting a diverse group of artists and production talent in presenting theatre what engages the imagination
Housing and Urban DevelopmentDowntown Dallas: nonprofit promoting the interests of downtown since 1958
Shakespeare Dallas: Bobbie Sue! Bobbie Sue! Where Art Ya'll, Dadgummit?
InteriorEnvironmental Working Group: "use the power of public information to protect public health and the environment"
Grand Saline, Texas: 70 miles east of Dallas in Van Zandt County
Mount Pleasant, Texas: in scenic Titus County
WikiMapia: user-annotated maps
LaborBAFTA: British Academy of Film and Television Arts
Corporation for National and Community Service: Volunteering in America (Dallas)
StateMessina Hof: winery and resort established in 1977 in scenic Bryan, Texas
Jefferson, Texas: located on Big Cypress Bayou in the Cypress Valley of Northeast Texas, in scenic Marion County
TransportationInternational Parking Institute: now there's an exciting subject: parking!
TreasuryAssociation of Strategic Alliance Professionals: featuring the Certification of Achievement in Alliance Management (CA-AM)
Public Relations Society of America: "the pre-eminent organization that builds value, demand and global understanding for public relations"
Veterans 83.6% of the people have heard of them
AgricultureSunflower Farmers Markets: now open in Plano
Attorney GeneralAmerican Society of Newspaper Editors: "for daily newspaper editors, people who serve the editorial needs of daily newspapers"
National Press Photographers Association: "dedicated to the advancement of photojournalism, its creation, editing and distribution, in all news media"
CommerceThe Institute for Market Transformation to Sustainability
DefenseNeighbor-To-Neighbor: Greensburg, Kansas tornado victims
EducationBeyond Tomorrow: TV show from Down Undah
EnergyTerraPass: carbon credits of your very own
Health and Human ServicesSam's Restaurant: about halfway between Dallas and Houston on I-45
Homeland SecurityThe English-to-American Dictionary: a guide to British slang
Housing and Urban making it "easier to find your next (apartment) home"
InteriorCaptionMax: "top-notch captioning, subtitling, audio description, and technical services"
Laborand/or gallery: in scenic Dallas, Texas
Art And Seek: "a community for arts, culture and creative people produced by KERA public media" in scenic Dallas, Texas
Bathhouse Cultural Center: in scenic Dallas, Texas
Dallas Summer Musicals: in scenic Dallas, Texas
Kettle Art: in Deep Ellum
Rose Marine Theatre: in scenic Fort Worth, Texas
Stage West: a professional theatre company in scenic Dallas, Texas
StateChandor Gardens: in scenic Weatherford, Texas
TransportationCommercial Vehicle Safety Alliance
green truck on the go: Organic food delivery and catering services. Los Angeles, CA
TreasuryStockyards Station: in scenic Fort Worth, Texas
Veterans AffairsTexas Concealed Handgun Association: "the professional association of concealed handgun instructors, concealed carry permit holders, law enforcement, and concerned citizens"
AgricultureCattle Network: "the source for cattle news"
National Swine Registry: "formed in 1994 as a result of the consolidation of the American Yorkshire Club, the Hampshire Swine Registry and the United Duroc Swine Registry"
Attorney GeneralAssistance League of Dallas: they're here to hepp?
CommerceSustainable Packaging Coalition: "advocate and communicate a positive, robust environmental vision for packaging and to support innovative, functional packaging materials and systems that promote economic and environmental health through supply chain collaboration"
DefenseLyndon B. Johnson National Historical Park: US National Park Service
EducationDallas Greenzine: innovation, conservation, re-engineering, remodeling, and rethinking about how we impact our environment
EnergyTornado Attack: supposedly tornado-proof car
Health and Human ServicesConsumer Reports Health: "trusted research, testing, and reporting on health topics" (including Best Buy Drugs: "public education project -- help you talk to your doctor about prescription drugs, and find the most effective and safe drugs that also give you the best value")
Homeland SecurityStop Political Phone Calls: National Political Do-Not-Contact Registry
Housing and Urban DevelopmentNational Alliance to End Homelessness: "a nonpartisan, mission-driven organization committed to preventing and ending homelessness in the United States"
InteriorGreen Dimes: "Stop Junk Mail. Save Trees and Help the Environment"
LaborOhio Valley Environmental Coalition: "Mountaintop removal coal mining and the Clean Coal myth"
StateCircle Line: NYC - Sightseeing Cruises; Statue of Liberty Ferry
TransportationAntique Automobile Club of America
Model A Restorer's Club: Ford model sold between 1927 and 1931
Midnight Ridazz: "a group of bicycle enthusiasts in Los Angeles"
TreasuryAllGood Cafe: 2934 Main Street, Dallas
Veterans AffairsSuper Seventies Rocksite: fan-run music & culture
AgricultureInternet for Everyone: because American broadband is pig dung
Attorney GeneralAmerican Civil Liberties Union of Texas
Kentucky Fried Cruelty: "KFC's suppliers mistreat the dead animals you eat"
CommerceGlass Company Ratings, Reviews, and Salaries
DefenseOreo Cookies and the Defense Budget: simple enough for even Republicans to understand
EducationTexas Democrats: "Moving Texas Forward"
EnergyAlliance to Save Energy: Promoting Energy Efficiency World Wide
Chili Pepper Appliance: tankless water heater
Green Spot Market: "first of its kind Healthy Convenience store and gas station with regular unleaded gas and diesel gas blended with biodiesel."
Health and Human ServicesGames for the Brain: not recommended for Republicans
Open Society Institute: "aims to shape public policy to promote democratic governance, human rights, and economic, legal, and social reform"
Homeland SecurityRick Noriega for Texas: the Democrat opposing "Big BAD" John Cornyn
Housing and Urban DevelopmentGreen Home Guide: Connecting You to Advice, Information, and Green Professionals
InteriorOvation TV: "a multiplatform network focused on entertaining, inspiring and engaging the artist in all of us"
LaborPlanet Green : DirecTV offers Planet Green on channel 286
StateRaw Spirit Festival: the largest raw vegan, ecopeace celebration : 12-14 September 2008 in Sedona, Arizona "challenging the wisdom of the Trans-Texas Corridor" (a/k/a I-69)
Drive Clean: "your (California) guide to discovering all the advantages clean vehicles offer"
Treasury123 Mac Mini: "a place where Mac mini and Mac enthusiasts can come, hang out and share information"
Veterans AffairsThe Killdares: Celtic Rock
AgricultureBackyard Nature: "articles about natural and organic living options with organic foods, organic farming and organic products for babies, kids and adults"
Southwest Dairy Farmers
Attorney GeneralFreedom Files: as seen on LinkTV
Reprieve: "represent prisoners denied justice in the name of the ‘War on Terror’, including those held without charge or trial in Guantánamo Bay and the USA's secret prisons"
CommerceFirst Monday Canton: "One weekend every month, a peaceful, friendly East Texas town (population 5,100) turns into the biggest open-air trade days in the world."
Waco Texas Convention and Visitors Bureau
DefenseDallas Womens Foundation
Rick Noriega for Texas: the Democrat opposing "Big Bad" John Cornyn
EducationDeep In The Arts (KERA): "Dallas Arts Calendar"
New London Texas School Explosion: 18 March 1937
EnergyEast Texas Oil Museum
The Windmill Farm: "40+ windmills on 26 acres in a country setting; 3 private cabins"
Health and Human ServicesAmerican Chronic Pain Association: "facilitate peer support and education for individuals with chronic pain and their families"
Cover America "June-September 2008 healthcare listening tour"
National Pain Foundation
Homeland "helps you identify geographical references from all types of content"
Security on Campus
Housing and Urban DevelopmentGreen Depot: green building supplies
InteriorBest Places To Live 2007
Land and Underwater Recreation Expo
Scenic Dallas: tree hugging billboard haters
LaborTexas Bluebird Society: "founded in 2001 to promote the conservation of bluebirds"
StateHourly United States Weather Statistics
Southern Regional Climate Center - Texas Station Summaries
TransportationBureau of Transportation Statistics - Airline Data and Statistics: "accountants will love this"
National Air Traffic Controllers Association: "Tips From the Experts on Avoiding Delays"
Texas State Railroad
TreasuryTexas Numismatic Association: "collecting and study of coins, paper money, tokens, medals, and related items"E
Veterans AffairsWe Can Solve It: "it" meaning the climate crisis
AgricultureDallas Farmers Market Friends
Texas Organic Farmers & Gardeners Association
Attorney GeneralJetSonic: "producing all kinds of inflatable items"
CommerceCall Us for all those "as seen on TV" ads
eConscious Market: "the Internet's largest philanthropic eco-marketplace"
DefenseLightbars: them thangs on top of police cars, far trucks ...
EducationCamp Quest: secular summer camp
NewsWare - MS:NBC: "laboratory for news-infused games, tools and other experimentation"
Youth Service America: "seeks to improve communities by increasing the number and diversity of young people, ages 5-25, serving in important roles"
EnergyClean and Green in Richardson: recycling information
Mist Ecology: "effective products [precoolers] to save energy and get the cooling you need"
Health and Human ServicesAssociation of State and Territorial Health Officials: "the national nonprofit organization representing the state and territorial public health agencies of the United States"
OTC Wholesale: "over the counter products at wholesale prices"
Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine: "Doctors and laypersons working together for compassionate and effective medical practice, research, and health promotion"
Homeland SecurityDonut Derelicts: "celebrate horsepower, chrome and brotherhood"
Wicked Lasers: available in red, green or blue
Housing and Urban DevelopmentDomes For The World: "Safe, Clean and Green Shelter Worldwide"
The Arc of Texas: "the oldest and largest nonprofit, volunteer organization in the state committed to creating opportunities for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities to be included in their communities and to make the choices which affect their lives"
InteriorFort Worth Opera: bet you didn't know cowgirls could sing
Realizing the Dream: "committed to the creation of Dr. King’s vision of a Beloved Community"
LaborHalff Associates: "full-service engineering, surveying, environmental services, architecture, interior design, right of way acquisition, landscape architecture, planning, geographic information systems, construction management, subsurface utility engineering, public involvement and visual science and technology services"
StateTexas Scottish Festival: 6-8 June 2008
The Public Trust: "an art gallery on Commerce Street, Dallas"
TransportationVintage Flying Museum: located at Meacham Airport (KFTW) in Fort Worth, Texas
TreasurySkySails: "Turn Wind into Profit"
Veterans AffairsAnagram Productions: troupe focuses on classic theatrical works written between 1880 and 1945
National Film Preservation Foundation: "nonprofit organization created by the U.S. Congress to help save America's film heritage"
AgricultureFruit National Directory of Farmers Markets and Fruit Stands
"Pick Texas": says the Texas Department of Agriculture
Attorney GeneralMcCainPedia: when the Republic Party's candidate speaks, here's where he gits his facks
CommerceCondiment Packet Museum: got ketchup? mustard? relish?
White Dove Releases: for weddings; memorials; funerals
DefenseDallas County Republic Party: "small government, small brains"
EducationBooks about California: or as Arnold calls it: "Kelefornya"
California Digital Library: via the University of California
Vigilance Committee of 1856: from whence came the Vigilantes
EnergyBlue Oak Energy: "promoting the use of clean, renewable energy through solar electric technology"
Simple Power: "a Texas utility company. Switching is easy."
Sunforce Products: "solar products; solar panels; alternative energy sources; wind energy products; 12 volt products; wind turbines; lawn and garden products"
Health and Human ServicesKnightsbridge International: "dedicated to providing humanitarian assistance and disaster relief worldwide"
Stand Up To Cancer: "on the verge of unlocking the answers that will finally conquer the devastation that is cancer"
Homeland SecurityNational Crime Prevention Council (including Home and Neighborhood Safety Strategies)
Housing and Urban DevelopmentSociety for Creative Anachronism: "an international organization dedicated to researching and re-creating the arts and skills of pre-17th-century Europe"
InteriorDanny as seen (accidentally) on Today's Homeowner®
FLIR Systems Worldwide: Infrared Camera, Thermal Imaging, Night Vision
Infrared Survey: energy loss audits in scenic Charlotte, North Carolina
LaborGoss-Michael Foundation: "an art collection that reflects the new and emerging creative methods of world-renowned British contemporary artists"
StateNoehill In San Francisco: honestly, I have no clue what this site's About
TransportationAddison Texas Airport
Great Circle Mapper: avoiding "string on a globe" (h/t to Geoff)
TreasuryGang Research: presents research, not stereotypes on gangs
Veterans AffairsAmerican Truck Historical Society: "was formed to preserve the history of trucks, the trucking industry, and its pioneers"
Coalition of National Park Service Retirees: "former employees of the National Park Service (NPS)"
History of the Barbary Coast Vigilance Committee: San Francisco, not North Africa
Military including info on Fort Gunnybags, San Francisco
San Francisco Museum: located in scenic San Francisco, California
AgricultureEden Foods: "Good Food Good Reason Health and Happiness®"
Green Living Technologies: "Our extensive green roof can be pre-grown off site or planted in place"
Attorney GeneralPlanet Green: "the first and only 24-hour eco-lifestyle television network (launching in June 2008) with a robust online presence and community
Street Gangs: "the most visited web site on the topic of urban culture and street gangs"
CommerceHydroLogic Solutions: makers of the "StormChamber™ management tool for the control of storm water runoff, sediment control, and nutrient removal"
MeeTees: don't miss the Geek category
DefenseMount Olive Pickle Company
EducationGreenhill (private school) After Dark: adult education
EnergyAdvanced Energy Panels: "If you have storm windows or drafty windows, you need a better solution for window insulation"
Coler Natural Insulation: "focused on finding and providing environmentally friendly insulation products for those involved in the residential, commercial design, building and occupancy process"
Community Energy: wind energy, operating in 19 countries
Green Dallas: one-stop green
Green Hotels: "environmentally-friendly properties whose managers are eager to institute programs that save water, save energy and reduce solid waste"
Horizon Wind: developing wind farms in less than one year
HY-R: "steel & foam panel construction for commercial and residential applications
National Geographic - Sustainable Travel
POM Energy Concepts: where to buy the USES® Power Enhancement System and the Ingersoll Rand Microturbine
Renewable Power Systems: "serving the greater Albany region of upstate New York"
Sustainable Travel International
Health and Human ServicesDetails: makers of the WalkStation (a Steelcase company)
Gangs OR Us: "provide law enforcement and corrections personnel, parents, teachers, and concerned citizens, the assistance and knowledge necessary to determine if street or prison gangs are in your community"
GOOD Magazine: "through a print magazine, feature and documentary films, original multimedia content and local events, GOOD is providing a platform for the ideas, people, and businesses that are driving change in the world."
Sierra Club - Global Warming Q&A
SolAqua: "Affordable Solar Water Purification"
Homeland SecurityReCellular: refurbish, reuse and responsibly recycle discarded cell phones
Housing and Urban DevelopmentPlastic Loose Fill Council: "styrofoam" peanuts! get yer peanuts!
Preservation League of New York State: "dedicated to the protection of New York's diverse and rich heritage of historic buildings, districts, and landscapes"
InteriorDallas Chinese News: do you read Mandarin?
LaborInternational Masonry Institute: "provides masonry craft training and technical assistance in design and construction, through a strategic alliance between the BAC and their contractors"
StateGive A Dog A Bone: natural pet food market in scenic Evansville, Indiana
TransportationRecycle Bank: "provide communities with a cost effective and environmentally conscious solution to the rising cost of waste collection"
TreasuryLegal Sounds: "download|buy MP3 music
Veterans AffairsVesta Vaporé: "energy efficient dry steam vapor equipment safely cleans without chemicals"
AgricultureThe Plano Insider: "a feature-based Sunday publication reaching 56,000 households in Plano, Texas"
Rural King: "farm, home and apparel supplies located throughout OMIKIT [Ohio; Michigan; Indiana; Kentucky; Illinois; Tennessee]"
Texas SmartScape: "utilizes Xeriscape™ principles, but goes beyond the basics by providing design, care and plant search tools that are smart for North Central Texas."
Attorney GeneralASIAFEST®: one-day festival in Plano, Texas
CommerceDallas Convention Center
The Green Office: "an office products industry where human and ecological health are the sole byproducts of operation"
Green Phone: "Get paid to recycle cell phones"
DefenseFlex Your Just Say No to Police Searches
EducationIdiot Toys: "tech reviews for the bored"
EnergyDallasVO: can you say "voiceover"?
RecycleBank: provide communities with a cost effective and environmentally conscious solution to the rising cost of waste collection
What's my IP address?
Health and Human ServicesUrban Spoon: restaurants; menus; reviews and maps
World Food Programme: "the United Nations food aid agency"
Homeland SecurityGreen Is Universal: "digital home of NBC Universal's initiative to bring an environmental perspective to ... everything we do"
LoJack for Laptops: Stolen Computer Recovery Service
Pacific Tsunami Warning Center: a service of NOAA
Housing and Urban DevelopmentSammons Center for the Arts: formerly the Turtle Creek Pump Station
Path to Feedom: "transforming an ordinary city lot in Pasadena, California into an integral urban homestead."
InteriorNatural Resources Defense Council: "The Earth's Best Defense"
Texas State Parks
LaboreCycling: US Environmental Protection Agency
StateUgandan North American Association
World Affairs Council of Dallas/Fort Worth: "educate citizens on the crucial issues of international affairs and foreign policy"
TransportationElectric Auto Association
Plug In America: "Promoting Plug-in Cars for a Better America"
TreasuryHack N Mod: "Amazingly Cool Hacks, Mods, and Projects"
Veterans AffairsSunGlow Ranch: in scenic Pearce, Arizona
AgricultureDaylily Growers Of Dallas
Don Lee Farms: home of the turkey-Swiss burger
Texas Grain & Feed Association
Attorney GeneralTexas Ethics Commission
Texas Lawyers for Children: "provides statewide assistance to judges and attorneys who handle child abuse and neglect cases"
CommerceDMA Choice: Direct Marketing Association’s (DMA) Consumer Information site
DefenseTexas Military Forces Museum: in scenic Austin, Texas
EducationNational Science Teachers Association: 55,000 members, headquartered in Arlington, Virginia
EnergyBoGo Light: solar-powered flashlight
MIT Energy Conference: "Solutions that Scale to Meet the Energy Challenge"
Health and Human ServicesLake Nixon: camping in scenic Little Rock, Arkansas
Homeland SecurityTree Top Bird Center: "is a Dallas based bird store with parrots, parrot supplies, including cages, avian vitamins, bird toys, and wild bird seed and bird houses"
Housing and Urban DevelopmentNAACP: National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (started in 1910)
New Deal Network: "an educational guide to the Great Depression of the 1930s"
InteriorForest Stewardship Council: "created to change the dialogue about and the practice of sustainable forestry worldwide"
National Drought Mitigation Center: overall, a pretty dry website
LaborMugshot Du Jour: "funny and bizarre mug shots"
StateFive Guys Burgers and Fries: in 22 states
ZamZar: "free online file conversion"
TransportationParts And People: "a trade-only publication whose goal is to provide news, information, and insightful business profiles to automotive businesses with the purpose of sharing and cultivating good, ethical, and profitable business practices"
Texas Race Tracks: can you say yee-hah?
TreasuryRic Edelman: Barron’s has four times (2004–2007) ranked him among America’s 100 top financial advisors
Veterans AffairsNewseum: "The Interactive Museum of News" (Washington DC)
AgricultureBurpee: "a family seed company in the Philadelphia area"
The Orion Society: has the "fundamental conviction that humans are morally responsible for the world in which we live, and that the individual comes to sense this responsibility as he or she develops a personal bond with nature"
Sweet Onion Source: OsoSweet Onions, and many others (seasonal)
Texans for Alternatives to Pesticides
Attorney GeneralClipper Magazine: online on-demand coupons
CommerceBudapest (Hungary) travel info
Cottonwood Art Festival: Richardson, Texas (held 2x/year)
DefenseOpEdNews: Progressive, Tough Liberal News and Opinion
EducationSouth Side on Lamar: now an art gallery, formerly a Sears-Roebuck store
EnergyNew Roadmap: "creating and disseminating practical tools and innovative approaches to personal and cultural change"
Health and Human ServicesHospital Compare: "helps you compare the quality of care hospitals provide"
Mel's Ice Cream: in scenic Richardson, Texas
Nothing But Nets: "mosquito nets for Africa"
Homeland SecurityAustin (Texas) Polish Society
Entersect: "the silent partner to municipal, county, state, and federal justice agencies who access our databases every day to locate subjects, develop background information, secure information from a cellular or unlisted number, and much more"
Housing and Urban DevelopmentAboard the World: "living on a cruise ship"
InteriorRadio Free Phoenix: "Free-Form Radio" "a family of independent-bookseller websites"
StateMumtaz: Indian restaurant in Richardson, Texas
TransportationRailroad Commission of Texas: "oversee the Texas oil and gas industry, gas utilities, pipeline safety, safety in the liquefied petroleum gas industry, and the surface mining of coal"
TreasuryEarth Share of Texas: "support the work of its participating organizations to conserve and protect our natural resources through participation in payroll contribution charitable campaigns at public and private worksites in Texas."
Veterans AffairsReactOS: "free open source providing an implementation of a Microsoft Windows® XP compatible operating system"
Weird US: as seen on The History Channel
AgricultureAmerican Ostrich Association
Blue Green Alliance: "a strategic initiative led by the United Steelworkers and Sierra Club and including many other "blue" (read: blue collar/labor) and "green" (read: environmental) partners"
Congregation Ohr HaTorah
Attorney GeneralDeep Fried Rides:"a certified Greasecar system installer"
CommerceReverend Billy: and the Church of Stop Shopping
Thriftbooks: "Used Books. Best Prices. Best Service"
DefenseActBlue: "a Federal PAC that enables anyone — individuals, local groups, and national organizations — to fundraise for the Democratic candidates of their choice"
Democratic Underground
OpEdNews.Com: "Progressive, Tough Liberal News and Opinion"
EducationRational Wiki: "Analyzing and refuting the anti-science movement"
Student Conservation Association
Texas Library Association: who knew there were books in Texas?
EnergyEarth Biofuels:"vertically integrated renewable energy company"
Health and Human ServicesGay Food: food suitable for gay people?
Rogers WildLife Rehabilitation: "a non-profit wildlife rescue and rehabilitation organization. Our purpose is to help injured, sick or orphaned birds return to their natural environment" (in scenic Hutchins, Texas)
Homeland SecurityImmigration and Customs Enforcement
Noam Chomsky:"celebrating his work and encouraging activism"
Housing and Urban DevelopmentMenuism: "the social network for those who love to eat out"
Stramit: building material made of straw. I wonder if the Three Little Pigs would approve?
Stramit International: "manufactured from waste straw such as wheat or rice by a patented process of heat and pressure"
InteriorBuffalo Run: in scenic Lincoln City, Indiana
Groundwork Dallas: "an initiative of the EPA’s Brownfields Program and the National Park Service Rivers, Trails and Conservation Assistance Program"
LaborUser "a collection of styles that puts you in control of the appearance of websites and of Mozilla applications"
StateCitizens' Environmental Coalition: "a statewide [New York] non-profit membership organization advocating for pollution prevention and clean-up, and environmental health and justice"
Ohio Kids: "Ohio Historical Society"
TransportationFort Worth Bicycling Association
Frybrid:"convert modern diesel engines to run on waste vegetable oil"
Golden Fuel Systems:"one of the world leaders in manufacturing and installation of SVO (Straight Vegetable Oil) diesel conversion systems"
Greasecar Vegetable Fuel Systems:"running a diesel on vegetable oil"
Green Vehicle Guide: thanks, EPA!
Lavonia Speedway: "Highway 77 Lavonia, Georgia, USA"
PlantDrive™:"research and develop Straight Vegetable Oil kits and related components and equipment. Formerly Neoteric"
TreasuryAirhogs Baseball: Grand Prairie, Texas
Ozark UFO Conference: launched in 1988
Veterans AffairsNational Fallen Firefighters Foundation
AgricultureFannin Tree Farm: "the only tree contractor in the Metroplex that owns and grows its own inventory"
Attorney GeneralThe Doe Network: "devoted to assisting Law Enforcement in solving cold cases concerning Unexplained Disappearances and Unidentified Victims from North America, Australia and Europe"
CommerceThe Dream Cafe: "an urban retreat serving wholesome global cuisine"
DefenseTagCloud: a visual depiction of user-generated tags used to describe website content
EducationDallas International School: "promoting the French language"
EnergyGay Eats: "Gay Owned and Gay Friendly Restaurant Guide"
Health and Human ServicesNational Alliance on Mental Illness: "the nation’s largest grassroots organization for people with mental illness and their families"
Homeland SecurityNorth Central Texas Fusion System: "a data sharing and analysis system primarily focused on the prevention and early warning of natural, accidental and intentional disasters"
Housing and Urban DevelopmentNational Urban League: "the nation's oldest and largest community-based movement devoted to empowering African-Americans to enter the economic and social mainstream"
InteriorJicarilla Online: Jicarilla Apache Nation (northern New Mexico)
LaborTexas Democrats: "Moving Texas Forward"
StateBureau of Prisons: Prison Types & General Information
TransportationFish on Fire: seafood restaurant
TreasuryGold Prospectors Association of America
Veterans AffairsGroundwork Dallas: "secure the sustained regeneration, improvement and management of the physical environment for the Great Trinity Forest and its gateway communities"
AgricultureZero Water: "breakthrough water filtration technology"
Attorney GeneralYES! [Youth for Environmental Sanity]: "Helping Visionary Young Leaders Build a Better World"
Commerceecoenvelopes: reusable envelopes
DefenseBaby in a Sling: Carriers, Wraps and Backpacks
EducationThe Register-Guard: Eugene, Oregon newspaper
EnergySalad Creations: (chain, newly arrived in The Metroplex) .. I wonder if they have arugula?
Health and Human ServicesSudden Cardiac Arrest Association
Homeland SecurityThinkTV: "provides a wide variety of programming that informs, inspires and delights audiences of all ages"
Housing and Urban DevelopmentDallas-Fort Worth Radio: discussion board
InteriorChef Michel Nischan: "an avid proponent of sustainable farming, local and regional food systems, and heritage recipes"
LaborWuFoo: "HTML form builder helps anyone create beautiful forms, online surveys and invitations without writing a single line of code."
StateThe Other Iraq: a/k/a Kurdistan
TransportationSpiderphone: conference calls, web conferencing and online meetings services
TreasuryDr. Dobb's Journal: "30 years of experience covering all languages, platforms, and tools"
Veterans AffairsAm I Right: "music humor site dealing in misheard song lyrics (Mondegreens) for pop songs of the past 50 years"