Thursday, November 10, 2005

week 75 : 10 Nov 2005

Integrated Pest Management : including home remedies for pest control
 Attorney General
Assassination City: roller derby in Dallas
List of companies named after people
Australian Racial Respect: is concerned with issues related both to immigration and to Aboriginal Australians
Ask George Bush: I wonder if Laura knows he's blogging?
Green Festival: unites green businesses, social and environmental groups, visionary thinkers and community members in a lively exchange of ideas
 Health and Human Services
Australian Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission
 Homeland Security
Age Progression and Image Modification: where those "milk carton photos" come from
 Housing and Urban Development
Homeowners Against Deficient Dwellings
Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies
Burqaa: is a quarterly news magazine in Afaan Oromoo, covering the political and social lives of more than 30 million Oromos across the world
Ecological Footprint Quiz: estimates how much productive land and water you need to support what you use and what you discard
Kiolbassa: "our name means sausage"
Firefighters Recipe Book
 Veterans Affairs
Looks Too Good To Be True: educate the consumer, and help prevent you from becoming a victim of an Internet fraud scheme