Thursday, June 10, 2004

10 June 2004 - week 1 (it's a whole new blog)

Quite a few items caught my eye this week, and rather than wait .. well, here is sundry on Thursday:

there you go again

1. Are spammers going to take Friday off? Highly unlikely. Direct Marketing Association Urges Halt to Telemarketing, E-Mail for Reagan Remembrance

2. Family Circus Predicts! is Truly Great Stuff; each day, the Family Circus cartoon (about As White Bread As It Gets) is "interpreted".

3. I Google'd for [most important meal of the day] and the results were consistent: Breakfast - Most Important Meal of the Day. I didn't see any sites advocating brunch, lunch, supper, dinner or even bedtime snack. So ... mom was right?

4. The prior search led to Get in the Breakfast Habit (in the UK) which mentioned Egg and Soldiers (a British breakfast delicacy). Then there's the British Egg Information Service. My heart, be still.

5. Elena Lappin's haunting item regarding The Patriot Act: Welcome to America describes a systemic policy of harassing media representatives from friendly countries. With friends like us, who needs enemies?

4. Silly me, I must've missed the day in school where they discussed forbs. I encountered this term while trying (unsuccessfully) to find out the name of the mystery plant I saw growing along the roadside last Sunday, in Wise and Throckmorton Counties (apparently part of the Rolling Plains). Dallas appears to be on the Edwards Plateau (see the map: 11 natural regions of Texas) on the Texas Parks and Wildlife site.

5. Dallas, Texas Scanner Frequencies. This is riveting stuff, not for the faint of heart.

6. OddSpot of the week: TexLUG (Texas LEGO Users Group)

7. defines sheeple (aka the Hoi Polloi, aka the Silent Majority, aka .. aw, who cares? -- they don't vote.)