Thursday, June 17, 2004

17 June 2004 - week 2

travel & exploration
El Paso, Texas Named Sweatiest U.S. City and Corpus Christi was #4. Woo hoo - Texas has 2 of the top 5 spots!

James Lileks' American Postcards: Motels: "Most of these places are gone or renamed. But we still have the cards."

Fort Worth Nature Center and Refuge: "Hardwicke Interpretive Center is open from 9am to 4:30pm Tuesday through Saturday"
job hunting
Joyce Lain Kennedy: "nationally-syndicated twice-weekly column, CAREERS NOW"
politics and/or religion
Any profits from Bush/Zombie Reagan 2004 will be donated to Alzheimers research.'s Islamist Barbarism And The Western Media follows the pattern of not being able to criticize Israel without being branded an anti-Semite. Pity; discussion is good for the soul.

William Rivers Pitt's Planet Reagan
tonight at the Gypsy Tea Room: "Legendary Pink Dots / A Tiger Named Lovesick"

Corky and the Juice Pigs were on Fox's Mad TV

Film Threat - Truth in Entertainment

Texas Music Events Calendar 2004

Movies: Harold and Kumar Go to White Castle
just plain weird different

Pork Pie Appreciation Society (animation with audio)

Here's something the PETA Nazis will not find funny: Maxigumee Land: Society for The Protection of Plants

Compare your face to anyone else's (such as a descendant or ancestor): Visage Physiognomy Demonstration
tree huggers environment issues
Biotechnology Industry Organization
norm peterson would be proud
Inspired House magazine

Meet Joe Blog: "Why are more and more people getting their news from amateur websites called blogs? Because they're fast, funny and totally biased"

Only a certain species of mosquito carries West Nile (oddly enough, only in the Denton County section of the DMN)

"crikey" and "for Pete's sake" are explained

This is True's Bonzer Web Sites of the Week (bonzer == Australian slang for 'great | excellent')